A Permit to Work (PTW) system provides a structured and documented approach to managing workplace activities that could be potentially hazardous. It serves as a fundamental part of a safe working environment. Historically, PTW systems have been paper based. However, new technologies are playing an important part in taking these systems online, making them more quick and efficient. An electronic permit to work (e-PTW) system can offer many advantages to a workplace. This article will delve into some benefits of electronic Permits to Work systems, and why they might improve your workplace.
What is an electronic Permit to Work?
An electronic Permit to Work system is no different from any other paper Permit to Work, it is just an electric version. e-PTWs can be integrated with applications such as workflow approval, compliance monitoring and risk assessments. Aside from the obvious environmental advantages (you’re saving on paper usage and improving your business’s footprint), this system can improve workplace safety and efficiency, ensuring a trail of all your company’s safety measures.
Just as you might rely on a working tool for writing essays to streamline your creative process, an e-PTW system simplifies the management and oversight of potentially hazardous work activities.
But what is the primary function of a digital permit to work system? The primary function of an e-PTW system is to establish a formal and documented process for controlling potentially hazardous work activities, to understand exactly what work is being done and when, as well as what areas are safe. With e-PTW systems, you can easily view active permits and their statuses in real-time, eliminating the need to head over to the permit board. Updates are instantaneous, allowing you to see quickly when permits are expiring.
How do electronic permits work?
Electronic permits function similarly to traditional permits but are instead managed electronically. Electronic Permit to Work systems allow for all permits to be issued online and safely store documents for easy access. Compliance monitoring, renewal and modifications are also handled electronically, allowing for seamless integration.
5 Benefits of Electronic Permits to Work
There are many reasons why e-PTW systems are beneficial over traditional paper ones. Let’s look at 5 advantages of making your workplace system digital.
They’re efficient
With an e-PTW system, you can streamline many work processes and in turn reduce a lot of the paperwork and administrative burdens that come with paper permits. By digitising workflows and automating approval processes, e-PTWs can eliminate time-consuming paperwork and accelerate permit issuing, allowing workers to start work promptly without unnecessary delays. After you spend hours writing a permit in a digital system, that’s hours you won’t have to spend again. As more permits are created and entered into the system, the library of available permits expands. Over time, you’ll have permits for any kind of situation. Additionally, by bypassing the need for paper, e-PTW systems are a more efficient way of transferring permits to others.
Improves compliance
Compliance with safety regulations and maintaining risk management protocols are essential to maintaining a safe workplace. An electronic Permit to Work system formalises safety procedures for complex and dangerous activities and can be accessed at any time by users. By creating a centralised platform for managing permits and safety-related data, e-PTW systems can ensure better decision-making and compliance, thus reducing the likelihood of accidents or legal issues. Digital systems also reduce the risks involved in manual data entry, improving the accuracy of information within permits.
Many e-PTW systems are designed to align with industry standards and regulations, which helps organisations comply with safety regulations.
Real-time monitoring and improved accountability
Electronic Permit to Work systems offer real time visibility into the status and progress of permit-related activities. Through simple dashboards, notifications, and reporting abilities, you can easily track permits from start to finish, as well as accurately track any workers involved in permitted work. This ensures that only trained and authorised individuals are assigned to tasks and fosters a culture of safety awareness and responsibility among all employees. By promoting transparency and accountability across the entire business, e-PTW systems can be hugely beneficial to businesses.
Enhances safety and hazard identification
One of the main functions of PTW systems is to mitigate workplace hazards and minimise risk of accidents. By incorporating applications such as comprehensive risk assessment tools, safety procedures, and hazard identifications, e-PTW systems can help recognise potential risks associated with planned work activities. Before authorising work to go ahead, these systems can ensure that necessary precautions and safety controls are implemented.
In addition to this, and as previously mentioned, with real-time monitoring of work activities, supervisors can intervene promptly in the event of emerging hazards. The proactiveness offered by e-PTW systems enhances the overall safety of the workplace and reduces accidents.
They’re scalable and integrated
Electronic PTW systems are inherently scalable and capable of accommodating the evolving needs and complexities of a diverse range of industries and organisations. Whether it be a single facility or multiple sites globally, e-PTW systems offer flexibility and adaptability to support business growth.
Another significant advantage of incorporating e-PTW systems is their ability to integrate seamlessly with other safety management tools. No matter how you may need it, e-PTW systems can exchange critical safety information and data across different functions and provide comprehensive solutions for safety management.
If you’d like to streamline the permit process for your business, improve company communication and enhance workplace safety, then digitising your PTW system could be hugely beneficial to your business. It can ensure that your work is conducted in a controlled and safe manner, as well as saving you time to focus on other tasks.