Predictive analytics is set to have a big year when it comes to safety in 2021. It is a field that many safety professionals feel has the potential to greatly reduce the number of incidents that occur in a workplace and as a result help to keep people safe.
One of the questions we are often asked on HSE Network is how the application of predictive analytics can be used within service-based organisations. Some of our previous articles on the subject have shown the benefits that it can bring with many companies reporting a reduction in incidents and injuries over a credible period.
An interview with VoltaGrid Director of HSEQ Richard Hoffman
To answer the question HSE Network recently sat down with Richard Hoffman, Director of HSEQ at VoltaGrid for a discussion on the kind of benefits predictive analytics can bring to service organisations in addition to VoltaGrid’s plans for its deployment in 2021.
– Are there any notable areas where predictive analytics could help support organisations more in 2021?
Here at VoltaGrid, we will be implementing and employing data management programs across all departments. With regards to Safety and Risk Mitigation efforts, we plan on deploying predictive analytics that will focus on human performance and asset/equipment performance. I feel that these two areas would have the most impactful short-term ROI for any organization that implements predictive analytics.”
– How cab human-service based organisations use predictive analytics to increase the safety of their workers?
Service-based organizations stand to benefit from the safety aspects of predictive analytics by focusing on human performance and equipment performance. A recent OSHA study showed that most injuries are the result of maintenance tasks, and most of those tasks were reactive maintenance. If we could learn how to “listen” to our equipment better, we could conduct careful and predictive maintenance tasks based on the data that we can collect.”
– Are there any notable case-studies you know of where predictive analytics has increased safety?
I am not aware of any independent studies on the relationship between predictive analytics and safety performance, but I plan on authoring a paper after our implementation.”
Get in touch if you have any further questions on predictive analytics
Predictive analytics and the implementation in safety is still a fairly new field and as such not many companies have seen the full benefit of using it within their methods of managing safety. As Richard shows service-based organisations also stand to gain a lot should they chose to implement predictive analytics correctly.
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any further question and take a look at our content on safety technology if you want to learn more about how it is changing how we work in the EHS profession.
About Richard
Richard Hoffman is the Director of HSEQ at VoltaGrid and is the leader of health and safety within the organisation. Richard has a wealth of experience in the oil and gas industry in addition to highly relevant practical knowledge around health and safety.
OHS Online (2012), Predictive Analytics in Workplace Safety, Available at: