29th Sep, 2023 Read time 3 minutes

How to Ensure your Start-Up Business is Set Up from a Health and Safety Perspective

Amid the hustle and stresses of getting your business off the ground, it’s crucial not to overlook the importance of health and safety. Ensuring your business is set up correctly with regards to health and safety is not only a legal requirement but also a fundamental aspect of running a responsible and sustainable business in the modern business world. Here we  explore the key steps to complete to ensure your start-up business is well-prepared from a health and safety perspective. 

Understanding Legal Requirements

In your new start-up, as an employer, you are responsible for managing health and safety in your business. This includes managing risks and taking practical steps to protect workers from harm. Thus, it’s vital to familiarise yourself with UK health and safety laws and regulations. These laws outline your responsibilities as an employer, and failure to comply can result in penalties or legal action. The primary laws governing health and safety at work in Great Britain and key legislation to consider are the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

These acts place general duties on employers to do what is reasonably practicable to ensure your health and safety and that of others affected by what you do or do not do. Employers must also put arrangements in place to control health and safety risks.

Risk Assessment 

Identifying potential hazards and assessing risks in your workplace is critical in establishing a safe environment. A risk assessment involves:

  • Identifying hazards: Anything that could cause harm, such as electrical equipment, slippery floors, or heavy machinery.
  • Evaluating risks: Assess the likelihood and severity of these hazards causing harm.
  • Implementing control measures: Put measures in place to reduce or eliminate risks, such as providing safety equipment or creating safe working procedures.

Prepare a Health and Safety Policy 

A health and safety policy outlines your business’s approach to managing safety. This document should outline your commitment to health and safety, your organisation’s structure for managing it, and the procedures to follow in the event of an incident. If you employ five or more people, you must document the policy and keep it updated with relevant docs and records. For smaller teams, it’s still beneficial to have one. Sharing the policy and updates with employees is also mandatory.

Managing your Health and Safety 

Health and safety management is an ongoing and essential process in any business. It extends beyond merely identifying and controlling risks; it necessitates continuously monitoring and maintaining safety measures.

 employers are legally obligated to establish arrangements for “effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring, and review” of measures designed to safeguard individuals in the workplace.

Worker involvement is integral to this process. Consulting with employees at every stage fosters a positive health and safety culture where risks are sensibly managed.

Adopting the Plan, Do, Check, Act approach facilitates effective health and safety management:

  1. Plan: Begin by strategizing and identifying necessary actions.
  2. Do: Implement the planned actions effectively.
  3. Check: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your control measures.
  4. Act: If measures are ineffective, take corrective actions promptly.

In your new start-up, understanding legal requirements is crucial for managing health and safety effectively. This includes being aware of regulations such as the List of Excluded Individuals and Entities, which identifies those barred from federal healthcare programs due to criminal activity or professional misconduct.

In summary, starting a new business demands the meeting of health and safety legislation. Complying with legal requirements, like the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, is essential. 

To Learn more visit FT Chronic Pain Solicitors specialists in legal matters around assisting those with chronic pain. 

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