Workloads are increased and at such a mass, our ability with our minds to manage our roles are under so much pressure, pressure that as human beings we are just not equipped to deal with. It has been suggested that since the arrival of email on smartphones, the average working day has expanded from seven and a half hours to nine and a half hours a day, raising stress levels.
HSE Global Series Covers many of the world’s major regions
The HSE Global Series is a global events series in North America, Canada, Middle East, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Latin America & APAC. These physical events focus on providing professionals with the world’s leading content and senior leadership engagement around health, safety, and environment.
Back in 2017, Paul Clark and his wife Katie Clark started a business; a business that would support and give back.
Using 20+ years of events management they wanted to unite EHS professionals all over the world – practitioners, scientists, theorists, solution providers, technology partners and people to help breakthrough these global challenges. Due to the extent of the problems, we cannot fix this as individuals but as group, a society of professionals with the shared common objective to look after mankind, to keep each other safe and protect our precious world that we have gratefully been given.
Paul Clark added “Aside from personal and workplace demands on workers, there are of course corporate business challenges such as the rise of technology, wearables, drones, VR/AR, multicultural work environments and project contractor management. Then there is performance and culture-based safety practice theories, and there seems to now be a creation of parliamentary ‘like’ parties created including Team – Safety Differently and Team – Behavioural Safety; almost separating us by our theories across the globe into believers and non-believers. How do we dissolve who is right and who is wrong and start to focus on uniting with each other to find the solution and best practice?
All in all the facts now show we are currently in a plateau in safety improvement, mental health issues are at the highest they have ever been and as Greta Thunberg suggests people are dying, people are suffering, our entire ecosystems are collapsing and we are at the beginning of a mass extinction.
Whether you see that to be true, the facts say otherwise. With all of this brings opportunity. An opportunity to unite, to collaborate, lead and focus on sharing our thoughts and actions to creating a new earth. An earth from which no family member should NOT return home from a day’s work, a new earth where we can create an environment for people to feel confident and empowered to speak up about how they feel and it’s ok in this age to not be ok.
Finally, an earth that we truly love and put first to protect and admire for future to be a part of and not see it crushed under the environmental impact of humans.
We are here to unite the world through one means and source and provide the market with products that can bring peace and create a new earth.”