07th Apr, 2021 Read time 2 minutes

Only 37% of UK workers believe that their employer has taken social distancing seriously during the pandemic

A new survey of 1000 UK workers from the Compensation Experts has revealed that 37% of workers feel that their employers have taken social distancing measures seriously during the pandemic. 

Trust is the cornerstone of many different business activities and with the pandemic meaning businesses have had to adapt to new ways of working across the country, it has been at the centre of the government strategy when it comes to implementing the correct social distancing measures in workplaces. 

Now that we are well into a year of living through the pandemic, many industries and businesses have gotten used to operating remotely, but others have had to return to relative normality whether that be the continued day-to-day work in offices and construction sites. 

Recent findings from a study of over 1000 UK workers conducted by the Compensation Experts show that there may be a large number of employers that are not taking social distancing guidelines seriously in their workplace. Agriculture was revealed to be an industry with the most relaxed approach to social distancing. 

Employers not taking social distancing measures seriously is nothing new with many not correctly implementing the right practices after the winding down of the first lockdown. Not introducing the correct measures can have notable legal and human consequences. 

What does this mean for employers? 

Broadly speaking, employers have a responsibility to try and keep workers as safe as possible under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and this extends to social distancing guidelines in the workplace. Spot inspections are being carried out by the HSE Executive and there is the threat of legal action if a company is found to have broken social distancing rules. 

From a more humanistic perspective, keeping mindful of social distancing guidelines is important regardless of the potential legal ramifications. Workers who feel like their wellbeing is being compromised will likely not perform to the best of their abilities, and in industries like construction and manufacturing, this can be a deadly combination. 

If you are an employer, you have a duty of care to your employees. Make sure that you are maintaining the best reasonably practicable social distancing guidelines in your workplace. This will give the correct signals of care to your employees and reduce the chances of having to deal with costly legal action in the future. 

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