28th Jun, 2021 Read time 3.5 minutes

Podcast Round-Up: The HSE Network Podcast in June

June was a fantastic month for the podcast in which we shared some of the great content from the latest HSE Virtual Series Events.

In June we welcomed talks from the BSI Group, Kendelle Tekstar and Dekra. Here we summarise this month’s podcast for your listening pleasure.


1. How your brain gets in the way of you making safe decisions | HSE UK Congress

Here Dekra explore the mental aspects of health and safety and particularly how our brain can get in the way of us making safe decisions. The podcast touches on powerful areas to look at when you are trying to optimise the mental side of your health and safety department.



2. How to buy safe products | HSE UK Congress | BSI Group

In our second podcast of June, we welcomed BSI Group, the industry standard experts for a talk on how to buy safe products for your organisation. If your procurement department has a big focus on safety then it will filter through to the workers on the shop floor in your organisation.



3. Neuroscience in Health and Safety | HSE EU Congress | Virtual

Our third podcast in June was a focused look at neuroscience in health and safety. Here Kendelle Tekstar of Acre Frameworks looks at the power of habit and how you can harness the power of your brain to improve your performance when it comes to health and safety.



The HSE Network Podcast in July

As we progress through 2021 we will be exploring communication in safety and also touching on the latest best practice around psychological health and safety. Make sure you stay subscribed to our health and safety podcast to stay informed of some of the latest best practice in the field.

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