The industry focuses on the physical health of others, however, it’s important to also consider the mental health of those in the industry as well. It’s not just recognising bad mental health, it’s also working towards awareness so individuals feel they can be open about it. You can take a look at blogs HSE Network has already created in relation to Health and Wellbeing.
Keep on reading to find out how mental well-being can be promoted in the health and safety industry.
What is defined by mental well-being?
According to Mind, mental well-being doesn’t have one meaning. It can be used to discuss how we feel, how we are coping with daily life, or what feels possible at the moment. Bad mental health on the other hand could suggest these things are hard to deal with, recognising what’s causing you to feel like this and then how you can help feel better.
Linking to the Health & Safety industry, situations experienced at work could have an impact on the well-being at work.
Have regular check-ins with your team
One way mental well-being can be promoted in the health and safety industry is by having regular check-ins with the team if you are the Health and Safety expert in a larger team. For example, if you conduct a weekly standup, checking in with them about how they are coping with their workload will help to raise conversation about how they are dealing with their workload. The same will apply to you, your colleagues will be able to look out for you.
If somebody is showing signs of poor mental health, it can be a good idea to raise this with the employee on a 1 to 1 basis, directly, or introduce a communication method for them to reach out to.
Incorporating Mental Well-being in your risk assessments
If you are a Health and Safety Manager, you might find yourself conducting risk assessments for your workplace. To keep mental well being at the forefront of the business, consider incorporating mental well being into the forefront of the risk assessment. Below are a few easy steps to incorporate this:
- Step 1: Identify the risk factors. If you are unsure of particular HSE Management Standards on issues that are more likely to cause work-related stress, you can take a look.
- Step 2: Put issues into categories.
- Step 3: Decide on the action, if it needs to be implemented.
- Step 4: Make employees aware of the different industry trends.
This is just a template however, don’t forget to keep in mind your personal business situation.
Ensure there are places to talk at industry conferences
One place Health and Safety professionals will gather together is a big health and safety conference. Therefore, promoting mental well-being at these conferences will make sure the topic is at the forefront of the industry.
It’s also important the running of these events also consider individuals who have physical and mental needs. For example, if somebody has Asperger’s syndrome, they may experience increased anxiety, depression, and other mental health symptoms. They could also struggle with social situations. One way conferences could deal with this is have chill out areas, where individuals can take a break. This will only boost their mental wellbeing.
Overall we hope these tips help to show the importance of mental well being in the health and safety industry.