09th May, 2023 Read time 2 minutes

Research Discovers 27 Days of Downtime Per Year Due to Maintenance Work

Just in, research by Watco has found that facilities and maintenance work is currently resulting in a shocking 27 days of downtime per year, which is having an impact on the smooth running of a facility. The survey’s findings have been published in the first in a series of reports which have been created to uncover industry experiences and help to educate on the biggest challenges currently facing busy facilities managers, also including health and safety-related challenges.

The downtime can equate to almost a whole month of working days lost. Building on this, 24% of those surveyed often have a backlog of maintenance jobs to complete, suggesting this issue affects a large number of those in the workforce.

Workplace related injury or ill health currently costs the UK economy an estimated £18.8 billion a year, according to the latest Health & Safety Executive (HSE) statistic, proving a change in approach is needed to mitigate the risk.

Who are Watco? 

Watco are the UK’s leading manufacturer and direct supplier of industrial strength plant, repair, and maintenance materials. The company has over 90 years of industry experience behind it.

What does the research say? 

The first report from the research reveals some more interesting information in regard to health and safety with a focus on maintenance. The report reveals that: 

  • Over a third (34%) of facilities management professionals go over budget on urgent repair work to remove hazards, which can have a negative effect on the running of the business. 
  • £1 million or more was reported to be spent on urgent repair work each month by multiple respondents.

These findings are particularly key as it isn’t just productivity and safety that suffers, hefty maintenance jobs can cause significant financial losses too. It turns out that businesses invest £1 million on urgent repairs to mitigate emergency hazards, which can be avoided if businesses change their mindset. 

Therefore, it’s vital that hazards are mitigated as much as possible, to not only reduce the number of downtime days but also reduce the emergency spending on hazard repairs.

A survey of 250 management facility management professionals summarised some of the most likely health and safety threats, which are: 

  1.         Working at height
  2.         Damaged floors/surfaces
  3.         Incorrect installations
  4.         Faulty or damaged materials handling equipment
  5.         Facility downtime
  6.         Wet and slippery surfaces
  7.         Time constraints
  8.         Fire safety
  9.         Budget constraints
  10.       Having to meet changing standards and legislation

The survey also finds that over a quarter (27.2%) of those surveyed do not think that employees are aware of potential hazards and how to report any risks. More awareness surrounding how to report these risks can improve the situation. 

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