07th Jun, 2021 Read time 2 minutes

Unregistered gas engineer pleads guilty after multiple breaches

Dean Coslett, a self-employed gas engineer has been sentenced after carrying out illegal gas work.

Mr Coslett was sentenced at Bournemouth Crown Court after a hearing which uncovered that the defendant had undertaken illegal work at a number of properties in Dorset between 2017 and 2019.

Gas appliances not installed correctly

Upon further investigation by the HSE Executive, it was found that Mr Coslett had failed to correctly stall several gas appliances according to the correct safety standards. Dean Coslett was served with a prohibition notice but failed to comply.

Carrying out unregistered gas work poses a number of risks to the operator and the client of the installations. The disregard shown by Mr Coslett shows that a lack of proper safety awareness was applied.

The gas safety register is an important part of ensuring that safety standards can be met when conducting potentially hazardous installations.

The gas safety register provides the HSE with a way of maintaining some quality control over who can install gas applications. This is very important when it comes to operating within both domestic and commercial properties.



Gas Safety Register
Ruling from the court.
Dean Coslett of Sevenoaks Drive, Bournemouth pleaded guilty to breaching Regulation 3(3) and 3(7) of the Gas Safety (installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and Section 33(1)(g) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. He was sentenced to a three-year community supervision order, ordered to undertake 200 hours unpaid work and undertake 30 days of offender rehabilitation work. He was also ordered to pay £900 compensation to a number of homeowners for the substandard work he undertook at their homes.

"Dean Coslett undertook gas work, which he knew he was not registered to do and flagrantly breached an order prohibiting him from undertaking gas work whilst he was not registered. All gas work must be done by registered Gas Safe engineers to ensure the highest standards are met to prevent injury and loss of life

: HSE Inspector Simon Jones"

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