Safety is critical when it comes to environments where there is hazardous work involved. This work must be carried out against pre-established safety protocols, a Permit to Work (PTW) system. PTW systems serve as a foundation for safety management. They help assist with assessing risks before any work commences, facilitating communication between assessors and approvers, and monitoring activities once the work commences.
Permit to Works are essential to the prevention of accidents and ensuring any project is completed smoothly.
What is a Permit to Work?
A Permit to Work is a documented procedure authorising specific people to carry out work within a stated time frame. It ensures that certain tasks are carried out safely by outlining the necessary precautions and conditions that must be met before work can commence.
Electronic Permit to Work software is a paperless way of managing PTW systems, automating and streamlining the process for many different industries. These processes will now be done at a much quicker pace too, bringing more effective functionality, efficiency and compliance. In the world of Health and Safety, a quick and seamless process is important if there is a risk of injury or health hazard.
Electronic Permit to Work software (ePTW) vs traditional Permit to Work (PTW)
ePTW software offers several advantages over traditional paper-based PTW systems. Many businesses and organisations are moving over to digitising their processes. Here are some reasons why ePTW software offers greater benefits.
Time Consumption: One of the main differences between ePTW software and traditional PTW systems is the amount of time saved by going digital. ePTW systems are a much quicker way of processing permits and reduce a lot of the delays that come with filing manual paperwork.
A traditional PTW is normally 3 stages: the application for the PTW, sending the document to the assessor, and the assessor sending the document to the approver to get approval. These stages take a significant amount of time, with the physical document being moved between different people. In comparison to this, an ePTW streamlines the permit approval process, and in turn can boost efficiency.
Once you train employees on how to use ePTW software, you’ll be saving a lot of wasted time, allowing for more productivity on-site.
Sustainability: On average, a physical PTW takes up more than 20 pieces of paper which all add up over time, including daily checklists and tasks. This only equates to one daily project, therefore consider the amount of paper you end up wasting over time. An ePTW will not only save you a lot of money on paper, but it’s also a great way of committing to making your business more environmentally friendly.
Data Safety: The use of electronic permits means you can store your data more safely. Sensitive permit information is encrypted and only accessible to authorised users, unlike physical documents which can become easily misplaced. Additionally, ePTW can enforce data protection regulations through built in security features. It provides a completely trackable audit trail, allowing it to be reviewed at any time. This helps organisations adhere to legal requirements and maintain compliance. This enhanced compliance not only minimises legal risks but also fosters a culture of safety and accountability among employees.
Real-Time Monitoring: The use of an ePTW allows supervisors to monitor permitted activities in real time and intervene where necessary. You can receive notifications and emails about approval requests and more, keeping you in the loop about all aspects of the Permit to Work process. As a result, accidents can be avoided as a result of fast implementation. Paper-based PTW systems may expose organisations to greater risks due to a lack of visibility into permit activities.
ePTW software can also integrate with other safety management applications to ensure comprehensive safety measures are undertaken before work begins. Proactive risk management helps mitigate the risk of accidents in the workplace.
Analytics: The beauty of having your data stored online over on a piece of paper means you can easily track reports in real time. As a result, you can tell if something needs to be changed in your process and also report goings on in an easily digestible way.
Electronic permits to work collect vast amounts of data throughout the permit lifecycle and by centralising this data into a digital system, organisations can easily access and analyse comprehensive datasets which provide valuable insight into operations.
Summary: Overall, it’s clear that the recent introduction of electronic Permit to Work software is a key development in safety management. While paper-based systems may now feel outdated, businesses shouldn’t feel pressured into an immediate digital transformation. ePTW software providers will support companies through the transition, shifting them gradually and seamlessly so as not to disrupt their operations. Effective software implementation is essential to see the real benefits of an electronic Permit to Work system.
If you are looking for a good permit-to-work system, there are several providers available including Elisa IndustriQ, but having the proper processes in place is essential to guide your long term planning.