26th Nov, 2019 Read time 2 minutes

A summary of the HSE Global Series Middle East Congress roundtable discussions

The HSE Global Series Middle East Congress was a first for the HSE Global Series team, bringing together health and safety professionals from the Middle East and beyond to discuss the key challenges they are facing.

At the HSE Global Series ME Congress, there were a number of roundtables at the event which we have summarised below.


Where Technology meets Risk – Digitalization of Risk Management

The roundtable was hosted by Amit Oberoi, VP EMEA of Damstra Technology, and the group discussed how their companies are trying to find digital solutions to minimise and manage the risks associated within their industries.

The key theme of the discussion was around how can we use data captured by digital solutions and workflows to best mitigate and potentially prevent common risks by spotting them sooner using trends and analysis.

We demonstrated our Velpic VR training tool to show how Damstra Technology are using their digital solutions to achieve this goal. The outcomes from the roundtable included a new focus on how our companies could use the data collected more effectively, identify areas of our role or work that could be digitised to be more useful, such as workflows, reporting and training, and what predictive analytics could look like in practice within Health & Safety.


Innovation by Collaboration – Open Innovation Approaches for Risk Management

This discussion, hosted by Alan Walker and Forbes England from Logical Safety, aimed for those in the room to learn how their colleagues were supporting innovation in their own organisations, the barriers to success, and the tools needed to continue advancing performance.
You can download the slides here. Slides 1-5 were scene-setting, giving examples of how IoT/Industry 4.0 generate bottom line gains and how some business use startup programmes and or innovation hubs/incubators. Slides 6 onwards were questions to stimulate debate.
A summary of the points highlighted:
  • Have a policy of continuous improvement but no investment funding for new technology. This later changed to yes we would invest if we could demonstrate the commercial gain but not (sorry to say) just for safety improvement.
  • Need a better grip on behavioural change before investment in technology.
  • Sometimes have to deal with a disconnect between operations and the health and safety teams.
  • Do use technology but are sometimes restricted by network or signal availability.
  • Happy to use technology but need to bring sub contractors on the journey with us.
  • Fully automated port bringing huge safety benefits whilst reducing operational costs.
The final element about where people search for innovation concluded that there was no single point or go-to place. Some of the companies in the room had enough scale to run their own innovation programmes like the Lafarge Holcim one we discussed.

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